Saturday, December 24, 2011

Home Coffee Roaster

A funny video about a home coffee roasting enthusiast's love of his SR-500 home coffee roaster. (Roasting coffee only takes about ten minutes.)

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Friday, December 16, 2011

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Using Home Coffee Roasters to Roast the Perfect Coffee

!±8± Using Home Coffee Roasters to Roast the Perfect Coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular hot beverages ever and is made by roasting coffee beans, which can be done at home by using home coffee roasters. Making the beverage from start to finish can be a rewarding way to prepare the drink, since the effort put in makes for a more satisfying taste overall. Even though some varieties of the beans can be quite expensive, the caffeine laden finished product brings pleasure and enjoyment, not to mention relief from tiredness to almost anyone who drinks it.

Home coffee roasters come in a variety of styles and all have settings that can roast the coffee so that the finished product is ready for grinding. The extent to which the beans are cooked varies and the finished beans vary from light to dark roasts. Additionally, the beans can have flavors added to them before or during the cooking process to give additional flavor and add variety to the finished product.

The machines used to cook the beans range in difficulty level from the most experienced roaster to the novice, however it is not too difficult to master learning how to use them. Once the machine is purchased and put together, adding the proper amount of beans is important because overloading the bean cup can make the roasting times inaccurate. Some roasters can hold enough beans for an entire 12 cup pot of coffee, yet others can hold enough to make four times that much.

The heat required to roast beans ranges from 460 degrees to 530 degrees and while they are cooking, they turn form a light color to yellowish to brown. The roasting machines are made so that they can cook coffee beans at the highest temperatures in the shortest amount of time possible.

While the roasting beans are cooking, they will eventually start steaming and the roaster will begin to smell of coffee as if it were already brewed. After they have been steaming for some time, crackling can be heard which gives an indication that the process is almost complete. Between the first crackling sound and the second is usually when the roaster has finished and the coffee beans are of optimal flavor.

Some home coffee roasters are made to roast only one cup at a time, which would be an inefficient way to drink coffee considering the time spent. A decent medium to dark bodied roasting time for a half a cup of beans is about 20 minutes or longer, depending on the strength and model of the roaster used.

Once the user becomes familiar with using the roaster, experimentation to find the perfect roast to suit your coffee needs is required since tastes can vary widely from the directions on the box.

Using Home Coffee Roasters to Roast the Perfect Coffee

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Friday, October 14, 2011

The 10 Different Uses For Coffee Beans Inside the Home

!±8± The 10 Different Uses For Coffee Beans Inside the Home

To a lot of individuals, coffee beans were manufactured by industries plainly to serve great-tasting beverages at home. In fact, sipping a hot cup of coffee will actually give you a refreshed mood. For some of you, you may even consider it as a stress remover. These are the real wonders of coffee beans for a lot of households.

Well, this may be the very essence of coffee but there are much more things you may enjoy from it. There are ten more things you may enjoy out of this very little coffee plant seed.

Top ten uses for coffee beans

An invigorating cup of coffee can transform into a multipurpose product for the home. From this list of uses, discover the ones you have not yet tried.

1. Hand rub. The hand rub serves well in removing the smell out of your hands after food preparation. All you need to do is rub your hands gently for a few seconds.

2. Refrigerator freshener. If there is any foul smell in your fridge that comes out from the variety of stocks you place inside it, coffee beans are great solutions. Simply place the beans inside a bowl and let it sit on your fridge.

3. Breath freshener. If you have gone out of mouthwash in your bathroom closets, never worry. You may enjoy having fresh breath by sucking a coffee bean.

4. Paper dye. If you cannot look for a dye for your child's project, then the coffee bean is an ideal solution. Just place the beans inside a hot cup of water and after that you may use the water to colour the paper.

5. Facial scrub. Coarsely-ground beans are great ways to exfoliate your face. Wet your face and scrub it with the beans. Voila! You will have a rejuvenated face after the application.

6. Pesticide replacement. Instead of using pesticides to drive away insects from your plants, you may place the beans in the pot. Although this is said to improve the soil's quality, remember not to use this excessively.

7. Kitchen cleaner. If you have greasy pots and pans, coarsely-ground beans are also ideal solutions.

8. Driving away cats from your plants. You may combine the beans with orange peels before sprinkling them on your garden. You will see that your cats will no longer disturb your plants.

9. Ash dust controller. When you decide to clean your fireplace, you must first toss some wet coffee grounds over the ash. This is to keep the dust under control.

10. Creating bean bags. If you want to try something new, you may create coffee bean bags. However, this one may cost a lot on your pocket.

If you are tired of the usual stuff you do with beans, you may always look for something creative that you can make out of it. Perhaps, you may use it as a paper weight too. Just place it inside a decorative bottle then put it over your desk. If you will read some beans 101, you may actually get a lot of interesting uses for this product. Just be resourceful as it can extend a lot of uses not only in the home but in other places as well.

The 10 Different Uses For Coffee Beans Inside the Home

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Pure Kona Coffee

!±8± Pure Kona Coffee

Pure Kona Coffee is gourmet coffee grown only on the island of Hawaii. It is grown on the slopes of lava dark volcanic rock that is located in Kona on the west side of Grand Island. This area is about one mile wide and 30 miles long. E 'between the two volcanoes, Hualalai and Mauna Loa is located. The height between 500 and 3000 meters.

The unique island microclimate distinguishes pure Kona coffee from all others. Special care is taken throughout the processCreation of the Kona coffee bean. The sunny morning, cloudy rainy afternoons and mild nights create an ideal growing conditions for the best Kona coffee.

The trees grow in the fertile volcanic soil and natural shade of the trees of mango and macadamia nuts supplied. This allows the Kona coffee to mature slowly and flourish.

Kona coffee is hand-pulped, dried, peeled and then sorted by size and shape. And 'sun-dried and then roasted, depending on the desired results. Aroasting well can make a big difference in taste. Roasting is an "art form" known by many in the industry.

Roasts are usually dark roasted French, Italian or Espresso. Roasted media include Vienna. Flavored coffee is usually sprayed immediately after roasting for better absorption of flavors. Oxidation begins immediately after the roasting and coffee is the freshest.

Kona coffee is cultivated and processed with great care to create an end result of every detail ofextraordinary coffee, delicate yet rich in flavor and aroma. This quality is pure Kona coffee one of the most renowned and coffee in the world.

Copyright © 2005 Best-Coffee All rights reserved.

Pure Kona Coffee

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Gourmet Coffee Trivia

!±8± Gourmet Coffee Trivia

Gourmet coffee is an incredibly yummy treat, and before taking your next sip of your freshly roasted gourmet cup of joe, it is important to know how it happened. Gourmet coffee roaster and specialty requires skill, but it's incredibly worth it, if there is a higher premium and the final product.

Especially if the gourmet coffee beans are roasted, are to lose weight or decrease the roasting. While the beans are roasted, which swell to twice their normalSize, but will shrink after they are roasted. This means that if you start with a pound of unroasted coffee beans, you'll end up with less than a pound at the end of roasting. This is something to keep in mind if you decide to roast coffee at home, because 1 pound of green coffee will produce 1 pound of roasted coffee.

The longer that the gourmet coffee beans are roasted, the darker the color will be. This is also agreater amount of shrinkage or weight loss, which means that it takes more coffee means a pound. Basically, if you are a light roast coffee roaster, it takes less green coffee beans. If a darker roast is roasted, it takes more to make a pound of green coffee beans.

Gourmet coffee beans are usually reduced by up to 20%, but you can shrink a darker roast up to 25%. If this is an extremely light roasted gourmet, you can take only 11% shrinkage during roastingProcess. One thing to understand is that many types of roasted coffee sales to save the overall costs to the company. With more gourmet brews to the market and increased sales of gourmet coffee shows that the customer really rather have a roast in the complete and authentic shortcuts are often found on the market.

When it comes to roasting gourmet coffee, there is no such thing as the optimum degree of roast, bringing the best flavor characteristics forany type of coffee. This will provide customers with the taste and aroma in the perfect blend of specialty coffee. This is something that is in a different roast each, based on the characteristics of the coffee beans themselves.

Finally, when the coffee is roasted in, is a grassy or astringent taste, because the beans are still partially green. If a gourmet coffee is roasted, it tastes burned or smoke, which are evident in the beer. There are manydifferent combinations of flavors and roasts, each with specific properties, but it is still important, the step-by-step process of roasting gourmet coffee roaster and know the best mix for you selected. Gourmet coffee is more popular than ever, and for a reason. This award is a method of roasting fresh, quality coffee beans for your cup of Joe!

Gourmet Coffee Trivia

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

You can Coffee Flavor at home!

!±8± You can Coffee Flavor at home!

If you're a do-it-yourself coffee lover, then you'll really like this inside information that will allow you to enjoy the taste of coffee at home! Taste of coffee is a pleasure that has become popular in the United States since 1970. And 'now more than ever, quality, and the best part of all is that it is based on natural oils, which makes fat, calories and sugars.

To flavor coffee at home, begins with the purchase of beans from a gourmet or flavoredOnline retailers. Shopping on-line is necessary because, in contrast with the purchase coffee beans at the supermarket, because you can trust that, in freshly roasted, when they are shipped to you. Often when you buy coffee beans from a grocery store, they can be very stale, because there needs to be used for freshly roasted from 10 to 14 days. The purchase of flavored coffee beans will help you decide which flavors you like best, so you create, you can feel at home!

OnceThey bought or your taste gourmet coffee beans, you can give them special treatment at home. All you need are coffee beans, flavored or seasoned, as well as some household ingredients that you can have in your own kitchen cabinets. All of this depends directly on the flavor you want to create in the coffee, so that the cinnamon, cocoa, vanilla extract, lemon extract or almond aroma watch. You can also go online and make the purchase flavors at oneVariety of different flavored coffee choices. You can mix thoroughly fresh roasted coffee to start with one of these variants, and you also have the option of pressing of fresh apple, orange or lemon juice on the coffee beans to give a natural flavor with a fruity undertone bitter. It 'also helpful to use different flavored syrups to add a natural sweet taste to coffee.

If you are preparing coffee at home, you can also enjoy a variety of ingredientschange in the process of fermentation, the taste and aroma. If you grind your coffee beans fresh, yes, you can grind with spices such as nutmeg and cinnamon. This is delicious, regardless of your method of fermentation, and spices in a coffee can drop traditional beer or use a French press. Last, consider the adults to spice up your coffee, which is flavored with liqueurs. You can use a variety of flavors in the cup final of joe, including Amaretto, Baileys andKahlua.

You can easily own version of coffee at home, and you can have several options for liquor and flavored syrups for your coffee was freshly prepared. The best part of all is that almost every taste, you can imagine, because coffee is a versatile drink goes well with a variety of flavors and scents!

You can Coffee Flavor at home!

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Roasting coffee at home for less money

!±8± Roasting coffee at home for less money

They love a nice cup of coffee in the morning? Or maybe you're one of the many coffee drinker recently, enjoying a sweet version of the cold drink? Coffee is a drink very popular all over the world for many years. And 'grown and drunk in symbolic places like South America and Africa, and enjoyed by many different cultures and nations. With rising prices and tightening global economy, many find it difficult to continue to fund their habits of drinking coffee. Now,there is a solution to save money and keep your coffee, and begins with the roasting coffee at home.

Green coffee is usually for about half the amount, because most so-called premium beef to buy. It looks and smells very different first roast, and many people do not realize how important it is roasting. I am also aware of the higher quality beef can be made, e. With so much fresh, if you are buying and roasting cookYour green coffee grows in popularity recently, and there are many great resources around your departure. This article is just an introduction, so you can see, if you want to pursue this effort wonderful.

There are many good reasons to roast your coffee. First, it costs less. But this is not the only advantage to roast your coffee. Some additional side effects might be a little 'less tangible but no less important or valuable. In addition to savingThe money will learn and grow in your appreciation for good coffee. You will find that you recognize the nuances of coffee much better because you are drinking things really cool and really good. Roast your own coffee is a great experience in itself, and probably save money to buy coffee shops as well, because you know that a large part of it is, just is not so good. Another aspect often overlooked and very cool home roaster that is often morePeople find that they do. What is an advantage you ask? Now it's like a good roast coffee house that many of your friends, relatives, neighbors and colleagues will be ready if they try to fry some of you pay for them. Do not underestimate nice to earn this money. I have a lot that can cover almost the cost of a coffee, or better known by selling their flesh on the side.

There are several options for saving, home-roasted coffee and money.You can buy a rotisserie at home, but can be very expensive, from $ 100 up. These usually work very well, but there are other ways to roasting at home even more affordable. The best and recommended way is to use a machine popcorn. A popcorn machine also generates roasting, the beans and stir as it rotates, the application of a constant source of heat at the same time. This has grown in popularity very nice and people can look on eBay for used poppers, and the experience veryThe success with them. Other methods include baked beans on a baking sheet or pan around them in a metal bowl on fire controlled. Both methods can be very effective, but require a lot of practice. It 'too hard to get too roasted, and can produce lots of smoke. Yet, if you can not find, in an instant and if you want proof, look around online for some detailed instructions and try it.

If you're looking to save money and buy coffeeGreen to make the best choice, it is sweet Mary. They are available in California, but the coffee from around the world. Your staff works hard to get the best and often flies out of the coffee farmers and learn firsthand all the coffee before buying. The website is also a wealth of information on beer, coffee roasting and hosting in general. Check it out and will not be disappointed.

Roasting coffee at home for less money

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Bunn BXB 10-Cup Professional Coffee Brewer, Black

!±8± Bunn BXB 10-Cup Professional Coffee Brewer, Black

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